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Digby & Allan, 31 December 2021

Kua Website 2.0

Kua writes a Letter To Coffee Drinkers once a month. Topics range from daily goings on, to updates on Kua’s strategy, to recipes for coffee biscuits. The content below was the Letter To Coffee Drinkers for December 2021.

Dear Kua coffee drinkers,

This is our first official letter to Kua drinkers, and it feels right that it comes now, at the end of a big year. Consider this one an update, a thank you and a Christmas card all in one.

First, the formalities: If you’re new to Kua at home, welcome and enjoy the coffee! And a notice for the holidays - during the Christmas period allow extra time for fulfilment, support & shipping. Kua will still be roasting and sending coffee, but due to high demand and public holidays, everything will move slower than usual.

2021 was an interesting year at Kua (as it probably was for all of us). Most of our coffee volume comes through workplaces, yet workplace coffee consumption was forced to an all time low. It was a difficult period, but looking back, we made good progress regardless: We released the CameraSwap project ( 135 farming families to build climate resilience on their farms. Took care to make sure the team was happy and motivated (see our blog). Found new funding opportunities to grow our impact. And reviewed our business strategy together.

Of all of these, the changes to our strategy will have the biggest impact on your experience, as it comes with a new focus on coffee for home. After writing this, I’ll be jumping online to work on designs for a new Kua website. As I am sure you can decipher from the sketch below, Kua 2.0 will mean you can adjust your subscription at the click of a button, shuffle blends like cards on a table and access support from the Kua team whenever you need it. It’s very exciting and will be going live early next year.

A sketch of Kua 2.0

As soon as Kua 2.0 is ticking along, next on the list is packaging. We know from our lifecycle analysis our compostable packaging is responsible for 25% of our total product footprint. We’ll be starting a project to cut this 25% to 5%. It will be a refinement of what we do already, but the dream design will have two parts: first, the outer-shell, (probably cardboard) designed to protect the coffee during delivery and provide a place for product & shipping information. Second, a super thin membrane designed to keep the coffee fresh. We hope to take this inner membrane beyond ‘compostable’, to the point where you can wash it down the sink.

That’s enough from us. Have a lovely holiday period and thank you for the wonderful support this year, we hope you’ve enjoyed the ride.

Happy holidays!

Digby and the Kua team | Reply: